About Tech-hosts
Each file is run through Tech-hosts file monitoring software, if it detects any dangerous files it routes them straight to quarantine. A security suite for Website, it automatically adds many common Website security measures to your website. Not available as a standalone plugin. A full anti-virus scan is done twice per day. Any threats are moved to quarantine and anything suspicious is reported to your team who check them immediately. The first line of defence against many attacks. Tech-HostsFirewall immediately blocks suspicious IP addresses so they cannot access anything. Where plans are marked as offering ‘x’ GB of resources, this refers to at least x1000 MB of resources. For example, if a hosting plan offers 5 GB of disk space, you will receive at least 5000 MB of disk space (but not necessarily 5120 MB).
On both a technical and personal level the team at Tech-Hosts are brilliant. Great communication, speedy responses and helpful throughout. Tech-hosts website was badly corrupted and they sorted the problems, cleaned the site and we are now back up and running. I can’t recommend them highly enough and they are my first port of call going forward. Regular hosting plans cannot resell web hosting to other people under addon domains, sub domains, parked domains or any other method of reselling the hosting service. If you wish to resell hosting you must use a reseller, VPS or dedicated server. Any account in violation of this will be suspended.
Some Quick Facts Tech-hosts Web Hosting
Tech-hosts | Basic Details |
Hosting Name | Tech-hosts |
Price | £4.99/month |
Support | 24/7 |
English | English |
Email Support | N/A |
Call Support | 0333 020 0530 |
Official Website | Click Here To Visit |

Tech-hosts cache your content in 36 locations across the world which is then served to visitors from the closest one, making it extremely fast. LiteSpeed web server loads your website at a fraction of the time the standard Apache web server does. You are not allowed to use your hosting or reseller product as a backup or storage device. The only exception to this is up to 5 MySQL database backups and up to 2 cPanel backups at any time. Any other backups created of the account must be downloaded to another location and removed from the hosting product immediately. You cannot store backups from any other resource other than your hosting account on your account.
SSD Drives
Twice as fast as standard hard drives, your SSD drives give you an extremely fast data transfer rate. Any attempts by a customer or user of a customer’s website to undermine or cause harm to a Tech-Hosts server or customer is strictly prohibited. It may result in immediate suspension or termination of all services with Tech-Hosts. If your account information is stolen and abuse is carried out, you are still responsible. This includes if your specific account has an attack, for example, a DoS attack and it uses an excessive amount of server resources. This make no representation that the domain name you wish to register is capable of being registered by or for you or that it will be registered in your name. You should not assume registration of your requested domain name(s) until you have been notified that it has been registered.
Tech-Hosts DNS
Tech-hosts host your DNS in 4 locations across the world giving you the fastest response time and the highest reliability. The registration and use of your domain name is subject to the terms and conditions of use applied by the relevant naming authority; ICANN in the case of most domain name extensions and Nominet in the case of domain names ending with .UK (Nominet Terms and Conditions). You shall ensure that you are aware of those terms and conditions and that you comply with them. You shall have no right to bring any claim against in respect of refusal to register a domain name.
Any administration charge paid by you to us shall be non-refundable notwithstanding refusal by the naming authority to register your desired name. Tech-hosts shall have no liability in respect of the use by you of any domain name; any dispute between you and any other person must be resolved between the parties concerned in such dispute. If any such dispute arises, they shall be entitled, at your discretion and without giving any reason, to withhold, suspend or cancel the domain name. They shall also be entitled to make representations to the relevant naming authority but will not be obliged to take part in any such dispute.
Website Caching
Your server based caching is proven to out perform standard website caching by over 3 times. It is extremely quick. Tech-hosts database infrastructure runs on MariaDB gives you a very fast connection between your website and your database. Don’t worry about a thing, your team of experts will migrate your website free of charge. Your website will be thoroughly cleaned for viruses and efficiently migrated over to your new account with. They migrate 95% of websites within just 24 hours too.
Whether you need even more resources, or you want to discuss bulk purchases, please do not hesitate to get in touch for a custom quote. A platform built for you, Tech-HostsHub makes it super easy to manage your website. Manage multiple websites, manage clients, invight people to collaborate, and gain access to many more powerfull tools to benefit your website(s). Your system backs up your entire account daily. Retaining 2 daily, 2 weekly and 2 monthly back ups. They have direct phone support during business hours and an emergency support line out of hours.
In order to maintain integrity of service for all users in a shared environment, it may be discovered from time to time that a certain account is not suitable for operation in a shared hosting environment on your servers. Tech-hosts this instance Tech-Hosts will contact the account holder to discuss options. They use Cloudlinux to monitor and control the use of system resources. Standard resource limits are applied to most accounts. Only gold and platinum packages have higer CPU usage, RAM consumption and Disk I/O limits. If any account exceeeds the limit it will be throttled until it is under its limit.