About Locum
Friends, today Locum have important and good news. On the night of Friday, April 3rd to Saturday, April 4th, your equipment at the main site in Moscow will be moved to a new, more modern data center with wider communication channels and a better power supply scheme. In many ways, this is a forced measure related to the upcoming overhaul of the building, which now houses your equipment. They will be forced to stop almost all moving equipment around 23:00 on April 3rd. According to your calculations, the move will not take more than five or six hours, and by the morning of Saturday, April 4, all your projects will be up and running in a new place. No IP addresses will change.
A short list of ruby gems for working with the terminal or Rails console. For all occasions, if you need to print something or ask the user. They have very active use of all four in various internal console tools. Colorize to display colored letters on the terminal. A simple gem that is handy for highlighting service messages in the Rails console. As befits a good tool, very easy to use. Highline for designing interactive interfaces. Input-output to the terminal, multiple choice, colors, everything. It greatly facilitates the task of asking something from the console or giving a choice.
Some Quick Facts Locum Web Hosting
Locum | Basic Details |
Hosting Name | Locum |
Price | 499 rub. per month |
Support | 24/7 |
English | English |
Email Support | [email protected] |
Call Support | +7 (495) 995 82 76 |
Official Website | Click Here To Visit |

Changes in Ruby on Rails, Python uWSGI and Rack project settings
Locum have fixed a vulnerability in the infrastructure of your hosting panel, which could lead to the inability to restart projects based on Ruby on Rails, Python uWSGI and Rack. Unfortunately, as a result of fixing the vulnerability, you need to regenerate the deployment files for the Ruby on Rails and Rack projects yourself.
Locum cannot change these files, as they are part of these projects and are generally not automatically generated or uploaded to the hosting servers from the version control system. That is, one more directory must be added to the path, the name of which matches the name of the hosting system user. If you are using the auto-generated deploy.rb, you need to replace the line.
Analysis of Technical problems
The day before yesterday and yesterday they received a very large number of complaints about the unstable or slow work of projects. The total downtime for two days was about two hours for some of the projects hosted on all hosting servers. Locum main part of the problems was the unstable operation of the mysql0 and postgresql0 database servers, and the second suffered to a much lesser extent.
The reasons for the refusals varied. On February 27, they received a message from monitoring about a sharp surge in load on the Neon server. Finding out the causes of the surge took some time, during which the connection pool to the DBMS was completely occupied and the mysql0 server stopped accepting new connections.
Developer and Project Administrator
A little time has passed since the publication of a critical vulnerability in RoR related to the use of YAML inserts in XML POST requests. Locum similar vulnerability has been published today, this time in JSON POST requests. Unfortunately, this means that can’t filter requests in a way that doesn’t break the work of projects – JSON, unlike XML, is used very widely on the web. Rvm, Bundler, Capistrano – all these tools make life much easier for the developer and project administrator, but can be pretty confusing. In this article, they will visually show the process of deploying a common project management system Redmine.
Maintenance work on the lithium server
Locum time on the lithium server will be carried out maintenance work to update the software. During the work, there may be interruptions in access to projects hosted on this server. Due to the increasing cases of mass sending of unsolicited emails, or, simply, spam, from your servers, since March 7, they are introducing restrictions on sending emails both using server mail services and via the SMTP protocol. If your projects need to send more emails, leave a request in the technical support service, as always, will meet your needs. Please remember that reserve the right to block accounts and VDS that send spam, as well as take other measures to prevent it from being sent.