About Webglobe
The person who, as the owner of the rights to the Domain Name, has for himselfregistered Domain Name and which is thus entitled Domain Name for the duration of hisregistration to use and deal with it; if it is not in the record of the Holder (in the information aboutname or title) filled in with the name of a legal entity, the Holder is considered to be a physical personthe person who is listed in the record of the Holder; if the name of the legal entity is filled inperson, then this legal entity is considered the Holder. Domain names must conform to RFC1 standards 1034, 1035, 1122, 1123 and anyreplacing or supplementing standards.
Webglobe name can only contain the characters [az,0-9,-], its length can be a maximum of 63 characters, it cannot start or end with the character “-” and it cannotcontain two consecutive “-” characters. By canceling the registration of the Domain Name, the Delegation of the Domain Name is canceled without further ado. By cancellationthe assignment of the Set of Nameservers to the Domain Name is canceled without further Delegation of the Domain Name. Under the conditions set forth in these Registration Rules, the Name Delegation may be revokeddomain, even if it has a Nameserver Set associated with it.
Some Quick Facts Webglobe Web Hosting
Webglobe | Basic Details |
Hosting Name | Webglobe |
Price | €3 / month |
Support | 24/7 |
English | English |
Email Support | [email protected] |
Call Support | +421 2 581 010 62 |
Official Website | Click Here To Visit |

Domain Name Registration
The Webglobe Association will cancel the registration of the Domain Name upon an instruction submitted through the Appointeeregistrar of the given Domain Name. Canceling the domain name registration does not give rise to the right torefund of the price paid or any part thereof. If there is no extension during the first 30 days of the protection periodregistration of the Domain Name, the CZ.NIC association is entitled to cancel the Name Delegationdomains. In such a case, it does not lead to a re-Delegation of the Domain Name eitherchanging the data in the assigned Set of nameservers, nor assigning another Set of nameserversto the Domain Name in question.
Status of Registrar
In the event that the contract between the Designated Registrar and the CZ. NIC association is terminated, onon the basis of which the Designated Registrar had the status of Registrar, registration of Domain Namesregistered or managed through the Designated Registrar does not expire. Holderis obliged to designate a new Designated Registrar before extending the Domain Name registration. Contact registration is done through one of the Registrars. By submitting an application forregistration of the Contact is made by the person listed in the Contact through the Registraragree to these Registration Rules.
Business statement
In the case of a Contact who is a legal entity, other than the persons listed in the Contact record maya person (or persons) authorized to act on behalf of a legal entity may also act legally. In suchin this case, only an officially verified signature or a guaranteed electronic signature can be used for authenticationsignature according to law. In addition, the original or a certified copy of the business statement must be attachedregister (not older than 3 months) or extract from other similar records.
Webglobe Name of legal entityand/or the ID number on the official statement must exactly match the name of the legal entity listed inContact in the item intended to indicate a legal entity; the certifying person(s) mustcomply with the rule of acting for a legal entity according to the official statement. If the authorized personrepresented, a power of attorney with an officially verified signature must also be documented for confirmation.
Delivery Address
Holder whose residence, seat or contact address is outside the territory of the European Union or the European Unioneconomic area (EU/EEA), is obliged at the request of the CZ.NIC association or at the request of the court,administrative body, arbitrator, arbitration court or administrator or expert according to the Rulesalternative dispute resolution to provide a valid delivery address in the EU/EEA ormark your representative with a valid delivery address in the EU/EEA territory to which the Holder can be sentdeliver documents related to Domain Names.