About si-shell
Choose the appropriate country extension domain to bring your website (faster) closer to the local population and consequently increase your sales performance. With a national domain extension, you send a strong signal to Google that your content is focused on a specific country or region and thus appear higher in the local search engine. si-shell You can visit your personal dashboard to keep track of issues and pull requests you’re working on or following, navigate to your top repositories and team pages, stay updated on recent activities in organizations and repositories you’re subscribed to, and explore recommended repositories.
In the “Recent activity” section of your news feed, you can quickly find and follow up with recently updated issues and pull requests you’re working on. Under “Recent activity”, you can preview up to 12 recent updates made in the last two weeks. si-shell list of top repositories is automatically generated, and can include any repository you have interacted with, whether it’s owned directly by your account or not.
Interactions include making commits and opening or commenting on issues and pull requests. The list of top repositories cannot be edited, but repositories will drop off the list 4 months after you last interacted with them. si-shell can also find a list of your recently visited repositories, teams, and project boards when you click into the search bar at the top of any page on GitHub.
Some Quick Facts si-shell Web Hosting
si-shell | Basic Details |
Hosting Name | si-shell |
Price | 0,99 € |
Support | 24/7 |
English | English |
Email Support | info@si-shell.net |
Call Support | +386 59 988 588 |
Official Website | Click Here To Visit |

Exploring recommended repositories
si-shell the “Explore repositories” section on the right side of your dashboard, you can explore recommended repositories in your communities. Recommendations are based on repositories you’ve starred or visited, the people you follow, and activity within repositories that you have access to. For more information, see “Finding ways to contribute to open source on GitHub.”
si-shell the “All activity” section of your news feed, you can view updates from repositories you’re subscribed to and people you follow. The “All activity” section shows updates from repositories you watch or have starred, and from users you follow. For more information about starring repositories and following people, see “Saving repositories with stars” and “Following people.”
Managing your theme settings
si-shell For choice and flexibility in how and when you use GitHub, you can configure theme settings to change how GitHub looks to you. You can choose from themes that are light or dark, or you can configure GitHub to follow your system settings. si-shell may want to use a dark theme to reduce power consumption on certain devices, to reduce eye strain in low-light conditions, or because you prefer how the theme looks. If you have low vision, you may benefit from a high contrast theme, with greater contrast between foreground and background elements. If you have colorblindness, you may benefit from your light and dark colorblind themes.
Changing your GitHub username
si-shell can change your username to another username that is not currently in use. If the username you want is not available, consider other names or unique variations. Using a number, hyphen, or an alternative spelling might help you find a similar username that’s still available. If you hold a trademark for the username, you can find more information about making a trademark complaint on si-shell Trademark Policy page.
If you do not hold a trademark for the name, you can choose another username or keep your current username. si-shell Support cannot release the unavailable username for you. For more information, see “Changing your username.” After changing your username, your old username becomes available for anyone else to claim. si-shell references to your repositories under the old username automatically change to the new username. However, some links to your profile won’t automatically redirect.