About Ampmhosting
A including but not limited to warez, serial numbers, illegal, abusive, defamatory, obscene, racist, offensive, mp3, pornographic (understood as Explicit Sex scenes), as well as sending, publishing, transmitting, reproducing, distributing or exploiting any information or software that contains viruses or any other harmful or annoying malware component, pirated software or other material, infringe intellectual property rights, publish or provide material or resources on hacking, cracking, phreaking, phishing, social engineering, or any material and/or information capable of compromising security, privacy and/or integrity of any system, company or person, or any other type of information subject to legal objection, whether through photographs, texts, advertising banners or links to external pages.
Ampmhosting reserves the right to cancel WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE any account that violates this rule and the client will not have any right to claim the refund of the amounts paid. Spamming or any other activity that restricts, inconveniences or impedes the use of the Internet to any other user is not allowed. The publication of material that may violate any local, regional, national or international law is not allowed. The client is solely responsible for the security of their passwords and the content they protect, so ask them to please choose secure passwords, store them in the safest way they can, and allow access to their resources only to authorized personnel.
Some Quick Facts Ampmhosting Web Hosting
Ampmhosting | Basic Details |
Hosting Name | Ampmhosting |
Price | $1600/month |
Support | 24/7 |
English | English |
Email Support | [email protected] |
Call Support | N/A |
Official Website | Click Here To Visit |

Types of services/applications that are ONLY supported using VPS or Dedicated servers
The official or government agency websites, media streaming servers, game servers, chat servers, mail servers, database servers, file/backup servers, advertising servers, sites with legal adult content, SaaS applications that process data or files for third parties, provision of hosting services, provision of POP3 mailboxes for the public, forums/communities that bring together tens of thousands of daily users interacting with the system, and in general but not limited to any other type of application /system/platform that requires high consumption of disk resources/cpu/bandwidth.
Although it is acceptable for them to start tests/demos, in shared or multi-domain standard plans, they must understand that it will be recommended to upgrade their services to VPS or Dedicated as soon as consumption growth is notable, and it is even advisable to upgrade prior to putting into production developments that can attract tens of thousands of visits daily. Ampmhosting POP3 mailboxes to be created are for the exclusive use of the client(s). Under no circumstances is it allowed to provide the use of mailboxes to the general public from plans that are not VPS or Dedicated Servers.
Server Resources
Given that Ampmhosting provides shared hosting services (except in the case of specific contracting of VPS or Dedicated servers), in the event that any site makes a high consumption of server resources where it is hosted, permanently and sustained, the The client will need to optimize their website to adapt it to the traffic peaks that they will receive, or upgrade their account to a higher plan or to a server appropriate to their consumption levels or the requirements of their software.
If it is a case of easy resolution, the client will be indicated the steps to improve their situation, or a budget will be issued to implement the corrective tasks. If the client does not agree to correct their shortcomings or change to a higher plan, it is up to AMPM HOSTING to take the measures it deems appropriate, such as the preventive suspension of the service.
The violation of any of these rules, and others not expressly detailed here, but that harm in any way directly or indirectly to Ampmhosting or to any of the companies with which they outsource your services, authorizes AMPM HOSTING to take the measures it deems pertinent and that can range from the temporary suspension of the service, of an account, of a domain or several, to the definitive cancellation of the service or domains in question.
This is left to the full consideration and resolution of AMPM HOSTING. The time of suspension of the service is calculated within the total time of provision of the same, and the client cannot demand that this suspension time be discounted or request a refund of the money in case of cancellation of the service.