About Idrivecompute
Idrivecompute Spin up multiple virtual instances using hardware and network infrastructure managed offsite and run your business. Choose from standard distributions or custom images to create instances; expand storage with high-speed volumes. Schedule automated weekly or monthly backup for your instances or create point-in-time images with Snapshots. The bandwidth limit specified here is monthly. An overage fee of $0.01 will be charged for each additional GB consumed over the bandwidth quota listed for the selected plan.
Some Quick Facts Idrivecompute Web Hosting
Idrivecompute | Basic Details |
Hosting Name | Idrivecompute |
Price | $30 Year |
Support | 24/7 |
English | English |
Email Support | N/A |
Call Support | N/A |
Official Website | Click Here To Visit |

Development and maintenance of skill-trees
Raid Token is a no-beef zone, meaning Idrivecompute do not discriminate and expect you to withhold all judgement while interacting in or with Raid Guild. As it stands today, Guilders holding at least one share can assign themselves any role they see fit. Please do not overassign yourself in order to give those who are highly skilled in specific areas the chance to shine. They recommend assigning a maximum of 5 roles to start and branching outwards over time. Raid Guild is meant to foster new relationships. Please be open to inviting new members to your Raid as you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised by what you find.
Just as with any strong Discord, they use Roles to showcase different skill sets. Idrivecompute Roles are used to Summon Guilders for different Raids, and should only be assigned if you can be called upon to complete the necessary tasks associated with each of them. You can assign yourself roles by going to the start-here channel and clicking on the emoji underneath the legend/description of all the roles. The role will then be automagically assigned to you. Roles will be crucial to the development and maintenance of skill-trees, which hope will fit nicely with a web3 profile that travels with you throughout the Metaverse.
Becoming a member of Raid Guild is no easy feat. They ask that all those involved with Raid Guild treat brand as a seal of honor. This means being kind to others inquiring about the Guild, and speaking favorably about it when presenting on behalf of the Guild in public. If there is something you do not like about the Guild, please vocalize it internally so that they can do your best to resolve it. Idrivecompute is an idea meritocracy. They invite you to share your opinion.
In fact, they encourage contentious opinions so long as they are presented in a constructive manner. Loot, or non-voting shares are similar to normal shares in that they can be Rage Quit to withdraw an amount proportional to your pro-rata claim on the Guilds assets held by War Chest. For instance, if you’re requesting funding for work that you completed you may request Loot > wxDAI for that work.
Transferable and unique DAO
Raid Guild utilizes the Moloch V2 framework. A great overview of Moloch V2 and its benefits can be found here. Moloch was popularized due to its Minimum Viable DAO design and the advent of “ragequit” – a means for members to exit the DAO by exchanging their shares for a pro-rata claim on the War Chest’s assets. The TL;DR of Moloch V2 is that it allows for an optimized War Chest and new Proposal Types. Idrivecompute can hold a variety of ERC20 tokens, and allows for anyone (including those without shares) to make a proposal to the DAO.
All Shares are non-transferable and unique to the DAO being used (in this case Raid Guild). Each share represents a pro-rata claim on the underlying capital pool and can be exchanged at any time using the Ragequit feature. There is no cap on the amount of shares that can be issued, and each share carries one vote. All new shares are issued at a rate of 5 wxDAI/share and new members may request a maximum of 100 shares when joining.