What Is Happy birthday coin(HBDC) ?
Happy birthday coin(HBDC) The concept of blockchain technology, as e arly as 1960, was spread with anarchists as the center, has become a recognized conc ept at that time. However, due to the imm aturity of the technology, the concept has not been applied in practice. In 2008, the pa per on the blockchain, a distributed ledger t echnology initially met with the public. The f irst manifestation of blockchain technology emerged in 2009 with the exploitation of d igital currency, chiefly Bitcoin. With blockchain technology, digital inform ation can be distributed but not copied. T echnology created the backbone of a new t ype of internet. Initially devised for the digi tal currency, the technology has now found other potential uses.
Happy birthday coin(HBDC) Point Table
Coin Basic | Information |
Coin Name | Happy birthday coin |
Short Name |